Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sleepless Nights and Poetry

PATIENT NOTE : So, what keeps patients up at night? How is it that many of us can never seem to get to sleep without the need for the little white pills? Oh, hell, I don't know... Probably has something to do with all the stuff that we face as we deal with. Everything from positive to negative emotions. Worries, concerns, joys and failures. Many times I, at least, don't feel that what I deal with is any more than what people who aren't stricken with a disease, so I sometimes feel that my droning on about my condition is some how redundant. I am sure that I am not the only cancer patient with sleepless nights... sometimes stress or worry induced, sometimes side-effect reduced, either way it's a real pain when you can't seem to not off until the clock strikes three, so what do we do? As mentioned, the little pills help - I avoid them if possible because I take about 20 pills already in the course of a day and don't want to add any more stuff to the mix. Besides, the pills dull my senses and really seem to do little good to push away the issues anyway, they are still there when I finally wake up.

What I HAVE been noticing though is that these hours of silent wakefulness in the dark seem to have my heade filled with ideas; ideas for paintings, ideas for projects, ideas of how to help other people, ideas for blog posts (!), and I have taken to keeping the proverbial notebook, pen and flashlight (so as not to wake my wonderful wife!) next to my bed so that I can scratch them down in the night, before I fall asleep (when ever that happens), so that I don't lose them.

So, here, instead of a long metaphorical story, are a series of Haikus... Why the hell Haikus kept popping into my head last night,  your guess is as good as mine. Since I was too tired to titel them, they are just numbered instead, in the order that they came to me.... 

Pen on table waits
Nightmind cannot shut down
The words must come out

Bags hang from above
Tubing brings expected death
To invasive cells

A word that scares all
Yields love from all directions
My heart leaps with joy

Attackers have strange names
Defenders equally so
We all hope for cure

Night is when fear comes
Roll over for loving touch
She is always there

Drip drip the drugs
All I can do is sit here
Watching the birds fly

Inside my body
The Battle goes on each day
A battle unseen

Sometimes darkness rules
I cannot shake the sadness
Can you hold my hand?

Count down or count up
You will really never know
I smell coffee brew

Good days too I have
Wife smiles, kids smile too
Their love keep me here

Chemo drips down slow
Test results are never fast
The results are in

Chemo kills bad cells
Healthy ones fall victim too
My fingers suffer

When hope seems to fail
I turn to a pleasing place
Cook up some fine food

When it comes my time
What will people remember
I hope 'a good man'

When I need rest
My dogs and cats know it too
Cuddle for a nap

Senses are intense
An aroma triggers thought
Perfume, Bacon, Paint

Sometimes on canvas
I can let my feelings flow
Joy, Pain, throw brushstrokes

I wake before all
I walk the house, listening
The sleepers calm me

Whew, wow. Got all that out of my head last night. It feels good to get it out here.

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